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About My Visit to Slovenia

I visited Slovenia on a whim after having to postpone a trip to India due to illness. When I arrived in Slovenia, I knew little about this country other than it was part of the former Yugoslavia. By the time I left, Slovenia was one of my favorite places that I had ever visited.

Despite only having a week in Slovenia, I felt like I was able to see quite a bit of this underrated country. I used the capital city Ljubljana as my base and then traveled to the coastal city of Piran, beautiful Lake Bled, and majestic Postnoja Cave. The train made travel around Slovenia simple and inexpensive. Below are summaries and video highlights of my favorite places in Slovenia.

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I decided to take a self-guided walking tour of Ljubljana, Slovenia to soak up its historical landmarks, stunning architecture, and vibrant culture. In just one day, I managed to see many famous squares (trgs), bridges, churches, and even a castle! My walk started near the iconic Dragon Bridge. The tour included Mestni Trg (Town Square), Presernov Trg (Presernov Square), and Kongresni Trg (Congress Square). 

I also saw some other interesting sights along the way, including the Triple Bridge, the Franciscan Church of the Annunciation, and the Butchers’ Bridge.

It was Christmas morning in Ljubljana, Slovenia, and I started my adventure on the iconic Dragon Bridge. The city was eerily quiet, with barely any souls stirring at this early hour. My mission? To find some breakfast!

I set off on a walking exploration, hoping to stumble upon a welcoming cafe or restaurant. After what felt like an hour, I realized I’d practically circled the entire Old Town. The peacefulness of the empty streets was nice, but my stomach was starting to rumble. Unfortunately, most restaurants were still closed, with only one cafe open as far as I could see.

Watch this video to see if I found something to eat on Christmas Day in Ljubljana.

I spent Christmas Day in Ljubljana, Slovenia, and it was a fun experience. In the morning, everything was pretty much closed until around 10:00 am. Then, a bunch of restaurants and cafes started opening their doors, including McDonald’s. By early afternoon, most everything was back in business. 

The Ljubljana Castle and Christmas markets were also open on Christmas Day, which was a nice surprise. Overall, Ljubljana seems like a fun place to visit on Christmas Day, as there’s a lot to see and do.

Ready for an adventure? Ljubljana Castle is your ultimate Slovenian escape. Climb its iconic tower for breathtaking panoramic views of the city. Immerse yourself in centuries of history as you explore its chambers and exhibits.

Ljubljana Castle offers a compelling combination of historical immersion and breathtaking vistas. Visitors ascend to the castle via a funicular railway departing from near Prešeren Square. Once atop the castle grounds, they can delve into Ljubljana’s rich medieval history through exhibits and explore the Clock Tower for panoramic views encompassing the Ljubljanica River, iconic squares, and beyond.


I decided to walk to Lake Bled from Lesce Bled station, not knowing quite what to expect. The walk was definitely doable, but it was a bit of a trek – over seven kilometers! There was also a detour (as of December 2023) that added a few more kilometers, although it was also quite scenic. The walk itself was long and tiring, but the views of the Julian Alps were worth the effort. If you’re not up for the walk, there are also buses available to take you to Lake Bled from Lesce Bled Station.

During my time in Slovenia, I couldn’t resist the charm of Lake Bled, a must-visit destination for any traveler. Easily accessible via a day trip from Ljubljana, the capital, its crystal-clear waters, stunning mountains, and enchanting island church attracted tourists from far and wide.

What made Lake Bled even more enticing was the abundance of free activities available upon arrival, making it an ideal destination for travelers of all budgets. Getting there was a breeze, with options including bus, train, or car transport from Ljubljana.

Lake Bled, a jewel of Slovenia, offers a fairytale escape easily accessible as a day trip from Ljubljana or other major cities. With three convenient transportation options – bus, train, or car – the hour-long journey from Ljubljana is a breeze.

Once there, a wealth of free activities awaits. Visitors can stroll the lakeside path, embark on a hike to Bled Castle, or take a traditional pletna boat to Bled Island. This captivating video showcases the unique history and breathtaking scenery of Lake Bled, making it a must-visit for any Slovenian adventure.

In December 2023, my trip to Slovenia’s famous Lake Bled hit a snag. Thanks to rail construction, I ended up at Lesce-Bled Station, 4.5 kilometers from the lake, instead of Bled itself. Impatient to get there, I ditched the 40-minute bus wait and opted to walk.

What should have been a leisurely hour turned into an adventure! Signs pointed towards Bled, but a detour added a sneaky 2-3 kilometers and some seriously steep hills. It took over 90 minutes, but I finally emerged victorious on the shores of Lake Bled.

During my visit to Lake Bled, I couldn’t resist exploring Bled Castle, standing proudly atop the lake since 1011. The hike from the lakeshore to the castle, marked by a sign reading “Blejski Grad,” took about fifteen minutes. While the trail included some steep switchbacks and stairs, it was manageable for me. Upon arrival, I paid €17 for entry, which granted access to breathtaking views of Lake Bled and the surrounding towns from the castle’s vantage points.

Inside, the castle’s museum offered a glimpse into its rich history, showcasing artifacts and providing historical context. Though I only spent a short time there, the museum added depth to the castle’s story.

Piran, Postojna and Slovenia Trains

Piran is a hidden gem on the Adriatic Sea that I recently had the pleasure of visiting. This charming Slovenian city is small enough to explore on foot, and its most interesting attractions are all clustered together in the historic center. I wandered through narrow streets, soaking up the atmosphere and marveling at the Venetian architecture.

One of the highlights of my visit was Tartini Square, the heart of Piran. Here, I found myself surrounded by colorful buildings and lively cafes. I also made sure to visit St. George’s Cathedral, a beautiful church with stunning views of the coastline. To get a full perspective of Piran, I climbed the city walls, which offered breathtaking panoramas of the Adriatic Sea.

Overall, my day trip to Piran was a delightful experience. I would highly recommend this destination to anyone looking for a charming and walkable city with stunning scenery. Just be sure to wear comfortable shoes, as there are many cobblestone streets and stairs to navigate.

Piran stole my heart – it’s one of the most underrated gems I’ve ever stumbled upon. Steeped in Venetian history, Piran feels like a mini Venice, minus the water and canals. The Italian influence is undeniable!

Five hours were enough to explore Piran’s charm. I wandered through the Port of Piran, soaked up the sunshine in Tartini Square, and marveled at the stunning Adriatic Coast. St. George’s Cathedral was a must-see, and the bluff it sits on offered incredible views of the square and the sea. Feeling energetic, I climbed the large hill to reach the Piran City Walls. The panoramic vista from the walls is simply unbeatable – a photographer’s paradise and a must for anyone wanting to truly capture Piran’s essence.

Visiting Postojna Cave in Slovenia was an unforgettable experience. If you’re planning a trip there, here are some helpful tips.

First things first, getting to the cave is important. I recommend taking the bus over the train, which is what I did. Once I arrived, I decided to explore the cave on an audio tour, rather than a guided tour. This allowed me to move at my own pace and take breaks whenever I wanted to admire the cave’s beauty more closely.

The temperature inside the cave is cool, and the ground can be slippery, so make sure to wear proper footwear. I also recommend bringing an extra layer of clothing, as it can get chilly. Photography is allowed inside the cave, but be mindful of using flash photography, as it can damage the cave formations.

Traveling by train within Slovenia? This video is your guide! Unlike international journeys, tickets for Slovenian Railways within the country cannot be purchased online (as of December 2023). But fear not, this handy tutorial walks you through the process of buying your ticket directly at a train station kiosk using your credit card. So, whether you’re heading to Ljubljana, Bled, or another Slovenian gem, this video equips you for a smooth and train-tastic adventure!