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Hi! I’m Buzz and welcome to my website, Buzzin Around the World. I am a solo traveler, global studies teacher, photographer, and self-taught web designer. In 2018, I created this website so that my friends and family could follow my travels.

Traveling has always been a big part of my life. When I was a child, my parents had a goal of taking their children to every US State. While we didn’t make it to all 50, we did get into the mid-20s.

I began traveling internationally as a way to enhance my global studies content for my students. Quickly, I developed a love for international travel and created a goal to visit 100 different countries. Currently, I have visited 35+ countries and 44 US states.

If you would like to learn more about me, there are three links to the right that will introduce me, show my travel history, and provide my social media links.

To learn about a specific destination, click on the region below. At the bottom of the page, I have a section entitled “The Best of Buzzin Around the World.”  This section will share some of my favorite places from around the globe.

Thank you for visiting Buzzin Around the World. I hope you enjoy my content, photographs, and travel tips.

Meet Buzz
Click on the Photo to Learn More About Buzz
Buzz's Travel History
Click on the Photo to View Buzz's Travel History
Follow Buzz on Social Media
Click on the Photo to Follow Buzz on Social Media

Buzz's Destinations - By Region

Asian Destinations
Click on the Photo
European Destinations
Click on the Photo
American Destinations
Click on the Photo
African Destinations
Click on the Photo
Oceania Destinations
Click on the Photo

Disclaimer:  Buzzin’ Around the World strives to provide accurate and up-to-date information based on our research at the time of publication. We respect all applicable laws and fair use principles. If you believe any information is incorrect or violates regulations, please contact us at

Affiliate Links and Reviews:  We use affiliate links to generate income and may receive a commission at no additional cost to you when you use our links. We strive for honest and transparent reviews, even for products which we receive compensation.

Content Creation:  Our content is based on our own travel experiences. All photos are our own unless otherwise stated. We sometimes utilize AI tools to assist with tasks like generating titles, summarizing content, and improving organization.

For more information:  For more information, please click HERE to visit our private policy page. We can be reached at