After buying my camera, I needed a carrying case.  I wanted something that could also carry my MacBook as well as my portable charger and other accessories.  I found this back on Amazon and was surprised at the inexpensive cost.  It had decent reviews, so I purchased it in the spring of 2015. 

Over the past few years, it has become one of my most cherished travel items as it has been with me from the beginning.  My backpack has been to over 20 countries, and I proudly display the flags of the countries I have been to on the back.

This backpack can comfortably hold both my lenses, my camera, and its charger.  I can also fit my MacBook Pro, some extra chargers and cords, and a few other items.  Often it is my raincoat which is stuffed in as well.

There are plenty of other backpacks on the market that cost well over $100.  This is a great backpack for the price.  I highly recommend it.

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Like many travelers, I collect pins from the countries I have visited.  I wear these pins proudly on the back flap of my backpack.  Sadly, I have lost my fair share of pins.  Those flimsy backings just never seemed to stay on. 

Thankfully, I was able to find Pin Savers.  Pin Savers attach the pin using a locking mechanism to hold it in place.  A tiny Allen wrench is used to secure the pin to the mechanism.  Since I began using Pin Savers, I have never lost a flag pin.