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About My Trip to Jordan

Wow! I squeezed in a brief visit to Petra, Jordan in just six hours! Even though the total travel time from Jerusalem was much longer, being in Jordan for just a short visit made the experience even more special.

I traveled by bus with a guide and although the travel time was long, the chance to see Petra was totally worth it. In Petra, we spent five hours exploring the ancient city, including a hike to the Treasury, an architectural wonder built in the first century BC. Even though it was a short visit, I was amazed by Petra and so glad I had a chance to see it for myself.

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Wow, I just went on a surreal day trip to Petra from Jerusalem! It was a long day, but it was definitely worth it to see this incredible place.

I woke up before dawn and hopped on a bus from Jerusalem. The ride was long, but the scenery was beautiful. We crossed the border into Jordan and continued on to Petra.

Our tour guide was great and told us all about the history of Petra. It’s an ancient city that was carved into the cliffs by the Nabataeans. We walked through the Siq, a narrow gorge that leads to the Treasury, which is one of Petra’s most famous landmarks.

We also explored the Roman Theater, the Royal Tombs, and the Monastery. It was amazing to see these architectural wonders up close.

The day went by so fast, and before I knew it, it was time to head back to Jerusalem. I was exhausted, but I was also so glad that I had the chance to see Petra.

If you’re thinking about taking a day trip to Petra from Jerusalem, I would say go for it! Just be prepared for a long day. But trust me, it’s worth it!